Sure, we know there are still problems in the world. Lectionary Liturgies, Easter B, 2015, Thom M. Shuman, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). (1 Kings 19:1-12) It is about a prophet named Elijah, who was struggling to understand the will of the they knew as YHWH, the HEBREW name for the MYSTERY we call God, which can be translated as I AM, WHO AM or I WILL BE WHO I WILL BE or the GREAT I AM. Thich Nhat Hanh. As frightened as I was, I was determined to get close to these magnificent beasts. So, let us begin with our own lives, our own daily challenges, let us strip ourselves of our own entanglements with violence. Frame 17: Look for the resurrections in your life. Peace be with you. rising you restored our life. When the book of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him, he unrolled the scroll and found the passage where it was written: The Spirit of our God is upon me: because the Most High has anointed me to bring Good News to those who are poor. I was prepared to move out on my terms, but not on some jumped up pastors terms. We thank you, God, for the incredible gift of Jesus, the Word made flesh. Maybe Jesus was wrong about justice as the only way to peace. Thats the thing with stories, one story, if it is even remotely engaging, that one story will inevitably lead to many more stories. You see Paul was skilled in the ancient art of rhetoric and would recognize my own rhetoric for what it is. if ( thisact == "contact" ) { As for that little Ukrainian family, what do we do in the wake of their tears? I proclaim these words from Pauls conclusion to the chapter at every funeral I have ever presided over. Through a simple meal of grain and grape, we, your children, unite. It can all tend to become a nice "show" or a good academic exercise, but with little impact on us as we seek to follow this Jesus. Support our mission with a tax-deductible donation! Somehow, these long busy days working in my office at home, while we all do our best to cope with what we hope will be the last tidal wave of this pandemic, somehow this created a longing in me, strong enough to push me out on the ice despite the -23 which threatened to rob me of my breath. Anyone among you, those who aspires to greatness must serve the rest; whoever wants to rank first among you must serve the needs of all. Posts tagged "progressive Christian Communion liturgy" . God is with us! Let us pray for an abundance of health, for prosperity, and for joy. Now, O God, with grateful hearts we remember Jesus. Christ was alive to those early followers. We ask you to bless this bread and this cup. When I arrived, the place was empty, and I thought I was going to make a clean get-away. After two long years of isolation, I have learned how to block out the world. May your love be shared amongst us as we enjoy the gift of fellowship. You sent your only-begotten,in whom your fullness dwells, Well, with my tongue firmly planted in my cheek let me blame it on a dog. O Easter God, who shatters all the familiar tombs which we create, enable us to move beyond slavish conformity either to old understandings or to new fashions and with joy embrace your ever-changing, ever challenging future. They not yet but already here EMPIRE of DIVINITY is here in every stranger who welcomes a refugee, in every aid worker, doctor without borders, in every reckless fool who risks it all for the kind of justice which makes peace. You simply asked the members of the First Nation for permission to pitch your tents on their land. The Royalists placed their biggest cannon on the wall which surrounded the city of Colchester. They must have seen me gazing at them, or at least I like to imagine they did. Living the Questions is happy to join other Michael Morwood fans in welcoming the arrival of Michael's newest book, Prayers for Progressive Christians. He lives, and presides at this Feast! Certainly, in the church the Bible is considered to be the supreme authority of the nature of God. Afterwards, Jesus took the cup. It was Solon's Feb. 1 post that drew the Facebook group's attention to the Washington resolution. we invite your Spirit to lead us ever more faithfully to be the body of Christ in the world. Through this space and time together today, we celebrate the covenant that ties us with God, Jesus the Christ, our neighbors and creation. He urged them: Remember me. *Leader: Congregation of Jesus Christ, since the Lord has blessed us with his Word (and Holy Supper), let us praise his name with thanksgiving. Yet, with the unique calling and nature of Jesus, and the unique character of these events, it can be a stretch to find ways to [], admin2023-02-20T10:39:19+02:00Feb 6th, 2023|0 Comments, admin2023-02-13T17:15:16+02:00Feb 6th, 2023|0 Comments, admin2023-02-06T21:15:25+02:00Feb 6th, 2023|0 Comments, Copyright 2012 - 2020 | Sacredise | All Rights Reserved, Sacredise | Liturgical Resources for Progressive Communities. Now as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and after blessing it broke it and gave it to the disciples, and said, "Take, eat; this is my body.". Every time I do not serve my neighbour, every time I walk away from the poor. What can we see in the wounds which are depicted in this story? At Easter all the themes of the Christian Gospel are held together in one great burst of life. Im a scientific kind of guy and to tell you the truth Followers of the Way are called to reject the myth of redemptive violence. The patient stone can speak, if we but listen when it talks. But it cannot be like that with you. Thank you, Divine Crafter of the Table, for fashioning us a holy meal unites us with the Body of Christ. They thought I was in danger of being tormented in the bowels of Hell for all eternity. The texts contained in this site are unofficial. McCourt asks: Who says its an egg?, Of course, its an egg. Leader: For he is the true Lamb who has taken awaythe sins of the world.By his death he has destroyed death for us.By his rising again, he has restored life to us.Therefore, with the whole company of saintsin heaven and on earthWe worship and glorify you, God most holy,and we sing with joy: People sing: ("Good Christians, All Rejoice andSing," stanza 4)Your name we bless, O risen Lord,And sing today with one accordThe life laid down, the life restored.Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! Frame 5: God is everywhere, in all of creation. Then there are heavenly bodies and earthly bodies. Take a few moments to walk across the sanctuary and have a word with someone about who Jesus was? Anyway, we did what any self-respecting kid would have done in our position. We lose our capacity for peace and joy, we struggle to show compassion and to connect with others, and we may find ourselves slipping into toxic and destructive attitudes and habits. Through this meal, make us the body of Christ, that we may join with you in promoting the well-being of all creation. Whenever the news became more than I thought I could bear, I just switched it off. Alison Etter. First of all, I hadnt been born again, and then there was the dancing, and as for my serving beer to the crowd at the Legion, well, my roommates were concerned. Jesus taught this. What can we learn from Jesus life about who, or what the MYSTERY we call God is? This particular interpretation is a poor translation, but it was very popular way back in the day. Why: This is an Evolutionary Moment. People: It is right for us to give thanks,It is our joy and peaceat all times and in all placesto give thanks to you, almighty, everlasting God,through Christ, our Lord. No sooner than I felt the freedom of union with the DIVINE, than it was time to seek the confines of my car to warm up. Do we have the courage to drink from the cup which Jesus offers to all who profess to follow him? Lectionary, study and worship resources from Faith Futures Jesus Then & Now. And there was no official campsite back then. For Paul, Jesus was not God but a human in which God was revealed. By J. Wayne Pratt. I can also hear the voice of reason condemning me as a fool. ], [The Communion elements are distributed. Leader: Congregation of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord has prepared this table for all who love him and trust in him alone for their salvation. How the living things that are descend from things that were. The free worship planning material is easy to locate using an extensive index. My brother didnt stand a chance. Anna had copied it from the Good News for Modern Man paraphrase of New Testament. The sermon is broken up into three short homilies. Take, eat. We lose our capacity for peace and joy, we struggle to show compassion and to connect with others, and we may find ourselves slipping into toxic and destructive attitudes and habits. . I was suspicious of the kind of youth I would meet on a Tuesday at a Pentecostal church, I convinced a fellow chambermaid to come along with me, so that if we had to, Id have company as I hitch-hiked my way back to Jasper. Leader: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. "Ground Us and Grow Us in Love," rtf or pdf file of liturgy at Worship Ways. Now this doesnt really present much of a problem with the first two parables of loss. The sequence of death and resurrection is the pattern of all creating and of all loving. Resurrection is about seeing behind and beyond death, ugliness, injustice, pain and despair. I failed to capture the sunset. Today, like Jesus, we too can proclaim liberty to the captive minds and recovery of sight to those who have been blinded by ancient ways of knowing. Click here to listen to a meditative sung liturgy inspired by Julians writings, Crystal was a little breathless from all the crying she had been doing and all she could manage was a whimpered, Mmm hummm. Honey, tell grandma the truth now. Theres a story in the Hebrew Scriptures which resonates with me in light of some of my own experiences in Thin Places, in the presence of MYSTERY. jQuery(document).ready(function(){ Perhaps Jesus sensed that even their anger was a type of jockeying for position, when he insisted that, Anyone among you who aspires to greatness must serve the rest; whoever wants to rank first among you must serve the needs of all. It began to seem like the only way to get Crystals hand out was to break the family heirloom. The numbers, they are staggering. We remember on the night when Jesus and the disciples When we focus upon the life of Jesus of Nazareth rather than the death of Jesus, we can begin to hear some of the things that Jesus was passionate about. Amen. The small voice within my very soul said only one word Swim.. Office for Worship, Doctrine and Artistic Matters, Church of Scotland, 2017. In the eating of this bread, as Christs body, and in the sharing of this cup, as Christs blood, Free from images and idols created by the inhabitants of a universe of misconceptions, we can abandon lives devoted to a god preoccupied with judging our journeys end, dispatching us to Heaven or Hell. We do tend to point to those characters in order to personify the MYSTERY. All crosses can be transformed into trees of life. The LOVE which is the SACRED MYSTERY which is the LOVE that we call GOD. I expect people to act. Thanks be to ALL that is HOLY! of our connectedness with God and with all people. I confess, I was in denial. And so, with your people on earth and all the company of heaven, we praise your name and join their unending hymn: Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, If you have not donated yet, please do so today. Like many professional wrestlers my career began when I was but a child. Alas Paul, if youd been there when the Church was cutting up your letters to be delivered in snippets on Sunday mornings, I can only imagine what you might have said, when they decided to cut you off in mid-stream. Jesus suffered the worst of his worlds violence. Crystal was very upset and still very stuck. The sun is in the same place at the same time as it was yesterday, but today all our clocks insist that it is actually 11:00 and not 10:00. Unlike our ancestors who succeeded the writers of the bible and went on to develop the theology of the church, we dont believe that the round earth is the center of the universe. According to the story humans are in bondage to sin and we cannot free ourselves. Sometimes, when I manage to muster up my courage and try to view these parables of loss through lenses of resistance, I can begin to feel a kind of reckless abandon welling up in me, inspiring the kind of passion, which tempts me to take leave of my senses, to risk everything for the sake of what is currently being lost. Father's Day Service Outline and Ideas. You placed within us and within each plant and animal of your creation amazing abilities to form and nurture new life, so that your creation might be renewed, reborn, season by season, child by child. MEDITATION ON THE BREATH OF LIFE (Psalm 46:10a) Needed: a leader to welcome the people and lead the meditation. Written by Rev. Forget for a moment the layers of interpretations offered by generations of Jesus followers who have interpreted that little word ransom as some sort of cosmic escape clause offered by Jesus as a way out of the trials and tribulations of life on this planet. In an instant I wiggled free, spun around and connected with what I figured would be a fatal blow. Easter or New-life event. The Earth was flat. } Living accommodations were not a priority. Let us be reckless in our LOVing, Grounded in our service, outrageously generous in our ransoming life on this planet. We are not fallen creatures. Blessed is the one who comes in the name of our God. Amen. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. This time also allows a moment for the congregation to "get settled" and ready to hear God's written word. Robert Solon Jr. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. //jQuery('#submit-action').attr('href','/paupress/?rel=pauContent&pau_type='+thisact); Neither of us had heard the word atonement before. Crystal sobbed. Father's Day Video "Foster Kid Father's Day". }); God is with you! Letting go isnt as simple as it sounds. We give thanks for the way he opened our minds and hearts to see and appreciate the intimate and never-ending connection between loving and the spirit of love. I thought, or hoped, sometimes even believed that the myth of redemptive violence could no longer tempt me. We are free from the captivity of a way of thinking which insists that we believe what our own experience confirms is no way to live in the very reality our ancestors were struggling to fathom. If you have not donated yet, please do so today. Sign up with your email address to receive news and updates. Close with quote from Michael Morwood: In nature we see superb aspects of transformation in supernovas exploding and in their dying giving birth to new possibilities resurrection producing abundant life. To aid us on our journey, we have decided to radically alter the way we worship together. Christ the Lord is risen today Alleluia! Jesus lived and died giving his life to ransom us from ourselves, from our fears, so that free from the captivity in which our fear has confined us, we might walk freely away from our own self-centredness. We share it as our pledge of openness to the spirit in our midst, I also want you to resist making the story all about you. This despite the fact that the biblical author of the book of Joshua wrote that God stopped the rotation of the sun around the earth in order to provide Joshua with an extended period of daylight in which to kill his enemies. We are kin to beasts; no other answer can we bring. The Bible was written by men who believed that they lived in a three-tiered universe. *All: Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord! Amen. Support our mission with a tax-deductible donation! Perhaps photographers of old avoided them, maybe people back then were better had holding those tears back. Life finds a way. /* Benedicite - a Song of Creation Benedicite - a Song of Creation (shorter version) Venite - a Song of Triumph Jubilate - a Song of Joy The Easter Anthems Evening Prayer. Mark 10:35-45, Sermon: BAT KOL, the Daughter of a Sound Welling Up Within, Lent: Letting Go of our Tightly Held Piety to See Our Need of Confession, Wrestling With the Almighty: Locating Our Very Selves in the Sacred Story a sermon on Genesis 32:3-31, What Can We Learn from Jesus? It wasnt until that young Dad buried his face in his daughters chest that I recognized the face of CHRIST. var thisact = jQuery('#submission-action').val(); The Liturgy of the Hours includes several specified times of prayer. There are flowers in the sanctuary during Lent! Exposed to the vastness of the Cosmos, it was the ancient story of a Three-tiered Universe that inspired not murderous intentions in me, but rather the euphoria of freedom from captivity to the limitations of our ancestors imaginations. Easter is the eternal moment that supersedes all time;the vision that puts into perspective all visionless living. For the journey that life has been, Amen. God the Holy Spirit, who lled the disciples with the life of the risen Lord, empower you and ll you with Christ's peace. to give our thanks and praise. Gardens often provide a space for worship in a neutral setting outside the church for people to gather and share a faith experience. And after the fire came a still small voice., A still small voice. Our English translations do not do the HEBREW justice. Settle into your seat, close your eyes and imagine a place that brings you comfort and peace. So, let me get to the point, so that those who like nothing better than to use the Bible to bludgeon anyone who dares to stray from their narrow understanding of the text, they can simply hit ALL CAPS in their keyboards, without having to read any further. I assumed that it had something to do with counting myself out of their way of worshipping. They were both more than a little relieved to have Grandmas calming presence. Continue reading . Now, the dingy wasnt totally inflated on account of the leak that it had sprung the day before. There is so much more we can do and offer our readership with your support! Lift up your hearts. Anybody??? The followers of Jesus were lifted up from a crouching or cowering position as they boldly proclaimed what they had learned from Jesus. Im pretty sure that the anonymous gospel-storyteller we call Mark had no idea that Jesus life and death would be portrayed by the powers of empire as a ransom to be paid to the very MYSTERY which Jesus insisted is LOVE. ), The pattern of death and resurrection is the pattern of all our creating and all our loving. One of the whales rose out of the water and as she came crashing down, I marveled at the magnificence of this beast. Friends, let us come out of the darkness and join together in the light of Gods love. Yes, I have my doubts about the possibility of SHALOM, especially now as we peer into the abyss which are the horrors of Ukraine, Syria, Myanmar, and countless other places where injustice has bred violence the likes of which seems unstoppable. Frame 15: Honor the Divine in everyone and in all creation. . When Grandma finally arrived, both Crystal and her mother were almost hysterical. Prosperity, and for joy in love, & quot ; have Grandmas calming presence, it., please do so today have learned how to block out the world that were of.! But listen when it talks have a Word with someone about who, or at least I like to they... Us with the body of Christ offers to all who profess to follow him the people and lead the.., injustice, pain and despair buried his face in his daughters chest that I recognized face. Into your seat, close your eyes and imagine a place that brings you and... 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