please let me know which option you prefer

Im a conduit for information but dont have all the answers. I might IM and say, Do you have time for a quick call? If the other person says, Yes, then I call THEM. I dot: Thoughts? for that. They havent been out plowing the fields; theyve been sitting under the picnic shelter in the shade with the rest of us! Please let us know your preferences 930,000 results on the web Some examples from the web: Please let us know your preferences Please let us know those concessions have been secured. and the result is so good!! Thanks! Usually it is something that has gotten lost in my inbox and I appreciate someone sending me a gentle reminder rather than just cursing my lack of responsiveness behind my back. People tend to use it when wrapping up to indicate, Can you give me your thoughts on this? or How should I handle this? I dont think its in any way intended to be demanding its just a wrap-up to the message. ", Using it first time but seriously I have ever imagined that this type of sites is available. As you read through them ask yourself two simple questions: 1. English (US) "please let me know a time that is convenient for you" or "please let me know what time is convenient for you" sounds more natural, but yes, this is polite. But from reading these comments and talking to people at my current workplace, apparently not everyone sees it that way. :). Tuesday, 1/25: 2pm - 4pm EST. I will say that if I sign an email with please advise its really just my way of saying for the love of God answer my email! (without going into details, many of my co-workers have 4 or 5 or more phone numbers). But seriously? The recipient is dealing with a quality crisis related to last months collector teapot and all other work has been postponed until early next week. I once had a relatively high ranking political official email me and ask me why I was trying to ruin his career. Its like saying, I wont be thanking you after youve done the work.. JMO of course. Well, except when someone isnt responding. (I am a webmaster for many sites at my University, and a lot of times people from a department want me to do something to their site that is in conflict with ADA compliance/branding initiative/common sense, so if they dont take no for an answer when I explain why we cant do it that way, I bring in another person of influence, like my boss or someone in charge of university-level site compliance, or the persons own department chair, etc., and then explain the request, the problem with the request, and explain that Im trying to resolve the matter. = Question Please tell me what you LIKE. Iris. Or someone is just trying to convey some type of information to a group of people using intermediaries so they dont have to micromanage every department like the district manager to the dept. Its the reminders that I *still* cant seem to figure out and loathe doing. A message that was truly friendly wouldnt need to be softened, so when you get a heads up that should be a non-issue but its been thoroughly bubble wrapped it can come across that the sender is making a big deal about it and that has frustrating implications. Oh man, Im on several listserves and several times a year someone requests a document, people flood inboxes with emails that say literally, please post and me too and thats it. Because it was sitting in my barn / shop for over 12 years!! Bobby: Jane and I spoke, and we had a question about X. FYI, I copied Sue into the conversation as shes working on Y so I wanted to keep her looped in. Love the feedback from the editor. I dealt with a lot of rebate payments at old job and the reason certain accounts might be delinquent/unpaid was due to a variety of reasons such as items not qualifying, reporting problems, contract renegotiation so what I thought was due truly wasnt but I didnt have current documentation on hand, invoices making the report but some sort of tallying error causing a short pay, already paid but reported for the wrong customer, etc. When I see it, I interpret it as, I dont expect you to have any objections or questions to this, so the next thing I should be sending you is my thanks to you for letting me know its done, and Im just going to get that out of the way right now. I make allowances in my head for the possibility that the sender doesnt actually mean that, but I always give a little mental grrr when I see it. TBC, I only use that when Im really looking for general thoughts, and dont necessarily have a specific question. should I tell the truth in my exit interview? Would people be shocked? Which one do you prefer? Even when theyre like, Its common radio etiquette when you dont want to reveal to everyone on that channel sensitive information regarding your business. I dont think Ive ever written please advise or received an email that ended this way, so it surprised me that so many people have such strong opinions on it. And I definitely wouldnt instruct others not to do it, since its really just a personal preference on your part, not a rule thatthey should be following in general. It doesnt seem mean to me at all. I know Im starting to react badly to anyone saying I have a question or I have a *quick* question (questions in my industry are never quick) or Can I ask you a question? because I hear it fifty times a day, for example. 7. You need to add a payment method to get our special promo , Enter your email below to get instant access to the first Chapter of our Ebook, We're so happy that you liked your revision! I have no clue and no inclination to do anything else. The phrase that drives me right up the wall is please do the needful. Just this morning I had to send out a second reminder to someone about turning in something that should have been turned in two weeks ago. let me know your favorites. :). Yes, when I read this question, my first thought was that I use it as sort of a sign-off after having gotten deeply into details. Please advise, like a lot of things, is one of those generic polite statements that can become really snarky depending on the context and the person using it. In choice experiments, respondents choose their most preferred option among different alternatives. Huh. On that note, has anyone noticed the difference in these two phrases? I dont think you do actually need a closer every time, whether you mean a final sentence or something more like sincerely. Especially with people in the same office, and especially when it gets deep into an email exchange, I see a lot of messages like this: And thats the whole message, and nobody thinks its rude, because those two people have already emailed each other 20 times that day and theyre not bothering with Dear Jane and Sincerely anymore, or a sum-up sentence at the end or anything. Maybe its regional? Did we actually want to purchase this item? I do this too quite often. Happily, havent dealt with please advise outside of corresponding with legal counsel. Also, Im hungry and mostly thinking about lunch. I want to know the context of the meeting so I can prepare for it. Just a reminder that I needed X when you get a chance. TechCrunch. The addition of please advise feels demanding and bratty and of course redundant. (Or would it? I need to put in the order for either blue and green enamel for next months collector teapot, and I know you met with Jane about the collector line last Tuesday. Make sense? Doesnt bother me much after that. Could this be confirmed either way to help my order progress please? If you reply only to the sender, anyone else on the group email who is going to reply all to advance the discussion wont know to remove you. At my job, theres generally a designated admin on the approved senders list. That one bothers me, too! Most of the email is explaining the situation, then please advise.. It would be annoying in the context of a yes/no question, for sure. It seems ok to me, and I havent seen it on anyones Grrr list ever. We can either 1) switch to white chocolate 2) continue with milk chocolate or 3) form a team to identify new chocolate options. as a manager, should I not wear a childless shirt in my off-hours? It is almost always someone who is trying to disagree and doesnt want to explain how or why, someone who is trying to delay, or someone who doesnt want to make a decision (but not in a whats your advice? way, more in a I dont want to deal with this way). Stands for very respectfully. Its a little different with messages to customers/clients, of courseyou end up using more formality there. What date/time is most suitable/convenient for you? I mean, intellectually, I agree with everyone whos said youre overthinking this. But I cant STOP overthinking it and want to know why Im overthinking it to begin with. Nor could she understand why having a staff member walk 500m in the dark would be a problem. We realize that we have likely missed some great companies, so please let us know if we missed you. I do appreciate it when people are willing to take context into account, so sometimes an opener that acknowledges, hey, I know youve been working really hard on X so this might have fallen off the radar is appreciated, but I really do want to get you what you need! i think if aam has taught me anything, its that you can never be 100% sure of anything when it comes to interacting with other people. PLease advise wouldnt set me off if it were in the context of we have looked at XY and Z what is your take? How about Friendly reminder? Please advise. Or How do I save a word file? I almost never use it but I did a couple of weeks ago, because Hello? It does seem a bit babyish, but I usually hear it used in an OMG I am so EXCITED about my upcoming fun event! way that is a bit more forgiving than if it was being used, say, to countdown to a work conference or something like that. Thanks! This is the sixth call this week that Ive had from someone selling architectural features. Im a little behind. Im not crazy about please adviseits a vague and strangely worded requestbut at least its a request! That does happen to me on occasion. So you took the time so send an email to tell me to call you and thats easier than just picking up the phone and calling me yourself? If everything else from you is important, then to me its equally as non-important. No one is demanding that you stop holding up an important project more like, I would like to take my break today at 5 instead of 6. It always translated as here is something that did not get done according to someone else, it was on your plate, please advise me on why you did not do it. I invariably had to respond with here is what I did last month, this is when I sent the information, this is when I tried to contact that person and got no response, gosh its oily under this bus. (okay, the last bit was merely implied). I had a co-worker who would do that! Its like some people where I work really hate double-sided printing. (Probably including every time Ive written in.). I feel like I am being summoned. Like the President will be here presently? I use that one when I have a long list of requests for someone. if you need. People can be so different! Im literally just giving a reminder, no qualification needed. One thing you can do, is watch how other people close their emails and steal the best ideas from what you see. Kinda reminds me of getting a message from the Dean of Students, Please report to my office at your earliest convenience, without fail, I use quick reminder. 2. if you want. OP needs to chill. Or something to that effect. I wanted her to speak to the newbie staff members and ask them not to park in that spot. If I put FYI instead, they know they dont need to reply to me. The worst manager I ever had was constantly misinterpreting my text and she kept claiming that I was sending angry emails. Get your English checked! Body of email First line often says gives detail about the action the recipient should do. Half the kids in the class were keeping track of how many times she said it. Thats what I use when emailing a group. its the abrupt Please advise. end of statement that grates on me. + Read the full interview, I believe its going to smooth business communications", I am really satisfied with the answer and turnaround time. To me the phrase comes off a bit condescending. I heard sleeps used all the time in the US I think its a weird phrase. why? But if its just a heres a problem, what should I do? then my advice is that you should rewrite your email and come back to me when you have a plan of action. I only use this phrase when I am generally asking for advice, not in a snarky way. The sender writes anyway and says I need to put in the order for either blue and green enamel for next months collector teapot and Jane told me she didnt know. All rights reserved. At my first job out of college, please advise was only ever used in emails to point out to someone that they missed a deadline or made a mistake. Has Bob accepted yet? (Yes or no) Have you booked that hotel? (Yes or no) How do I save a word file (have you never used a computer before?). I hate please advise! Please let me know your preferred way of dealing with this. Of course, Id try to say it more diplomatically. Your text is being reviewed by one of our Experts.We will notify you when your revision is ready. This is so interestingI recently had a discussion about this very phrase with a coworker and we had completely different opinions on it. To me, the two exclamation points read as hey, Im not annoyed, but I really need this info.. That doesnt go away when its something that needs to be considered at a higher level. I also use it infrequently. Please advise brought to mind this very accurate post: This gives me more confidence that the context will be correct, which is hard to trust with auto-correction apps", A real person editor is much2 better than a software editor. The following dates/times (EST) work for me: Monday, 1/24: 11am - 12pm EST; 2pm - 3pm EST. FWIW, the overuse of the word like is probably the most annoying Americanism. sleeps is possibly an Aussie thing? Heh, I have seen it used that way, now that you mention it. Some additional . You are incredibly annoying and childish. People who arent being that way would just ask what do you think? or how should i handle? . But I think the first message, without bold or caps, is perfectly clear and effective. 1. Im pretty sure all 200,000 plus employees at my company use it regularly! Could you then make a joke out of it but one that also gets across your point that asking that question is wasting your time? I dont mind quickly emailing my boss and saying something like, Laura, did we receive the orders today? But overall, it feels too awkward and informal to not add something after the question, and I think some people who use Please advice are doing so for similar reasons. I just had this situation the other day someone asked me to change something that I posted in our system. How do you feel about emails that say, Just wanted to let you know that blah blah blah.? ;)", So good. Need to go to the loo: Im just off to do the needful. var s = d.createElement("script"), tag = d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; :D Because signing off with NOW WHAT PLEASE HELP MEEEE would be inappropriate. So dont do drugs. hmm. Apparently its a standard phrase in Indian English (and not at all meant to be insulting), and Ive seen it in emails between Indian coworkers a few times now. Please let me know when it complete or Please let me know when it is completed? Sure, but it presumes that theyll agree to your request. Did you make a decision already? Yeah, I used to work at a company that had outsourced a lot of its work to India. It was perfect for the scenario because if someone shows you a proof and you dont follow it, you often dont have a question so much as you have a wuhhh? I always wondered if it was an expression I wasnt familiar with or what. I never, ever, take a no answer personally. Its totally redundant and not necessary. Except with the way you worded it, youre implying that your boss *has* to go with one of the three options you came up with as opposed to coming up with their own idea. Or we haven't found it but, so let us know when you discover it first. Especially annoying if its a repeat offender one of my co-workers and I used to joke that it actually meant please give me advice so I can ignore it and do whatever I want anyway, and then blame you when it went wrong because then I can CYA and say well, I asked Meg Murry for her advice and carefully neglect to mention that I didnt actually follow her advice. The same thing happened at my old job as well! If anyone is taking routine email language as demanding and bratty etc., its on them. French Translation of "let me know what you would prefer" in French Suggest an example Other results Just be sure to let me know what animals you would prefer at checkout. This answer would please the interviewer if there was concern about the applicant's dedication to the job or ability or desire to work longer hours. Its fine that you personally dont like it, but its not passive aggressive and I am not sure where you get the impression that it almost always is. I dont intend to sound bratty or condescending when I use it, I just have trouble finding a closer and email etiquette says that I should every. I admit Ive never heard of this interpretation of that closing. That said, I would never use please advise without more to the sentence. My newest habit is ending question-filled emails with Let me know and thanks. I almost always used please advise passive-aggressively with my boss but I never read it that way when others sent it to me so I dont know! Me too! Someone who criticizes popular characters or plot elements is often accused of having overanalyzed or misread or deliberately subverted the obvious real story when they were just expressing their instinctive responses. Ive already posted something like four comments in this thread, which is kind of amazing since I dont think Ive ever consciously considered my thoughts on please advise before. Most people probably don't realize how loaded questions like gender might be on their forms or surveys. I regularly use please advise and reading this question made me so upset! This is my question. I know all these options, however, the person I was emailing also knows all these options and knows which would be the best combination of cost effectiveness and timeliness. YES!!! I use Please advise every so often, and I think I basically use it as a step up from Let me know what you think. Specifically, for Let me know what you think, I would consider a lack of preference an acceptable answer. You could just say its a reminder without qualifiers. or call us at (205) 502-2500. Then the email request gets ignored by everyone thinking someone else will do it until the LW actually points a finger and say, that means YOU, Wakeen. At other jobs you wouldve gotten some serious side-eye for that phrase. More popular! ;). I will assume its friendly if you say just a reminder. single. She could have wrote let me know if you have any questions and I wouldnt have been offended at all. On the please advise thing. Yes, agreed. I dont use it for folks who actually read the emails and pay attention to the important bits. ?I suppose please advise is better than that or whatever expletives I might be thinking. One of their common email closings was, Please advise of the needful. Or at the very least tell him what I think needs to be done, and just ask for his sign-off that its ok. This. Ill email her to call me. Boss: Theyre all fine, I dont have any real preference. We have x cost on the system. https . I also feel it may have something to do with the nature of the relationship you have with the sender it drove me up the wall to receive an email with please advise in it. Some of this is probably just cultural (meaning office culture, not overall culture). I highly recommend it. I am impressed. Its quite amazing. This is exactly what I do. I like it because they might actually need something before they complete and return the thing I need; if not, its a memory jog that doesnt automatically assume theyre not on the ball. There must be a lot of secretly snotty people in the South who are thinking mean things when they say Bless your heart, but Im glad Ive not met them. By putting the focus on yourself, you're not putting pressure on the relationship or him to be a certain way or validate you in a certain way. :). What time shall we say? I think it is more to the point to mix up your word choice, dont lean on one phrase or word excessively. How "don't know" is hurting your data. Im still waiting for the Veeblefetzer Report, Please send it to me ASAP.. If you'd prefer to cancel your membership placed through Shipt by contacting our customer support team, you can call our dedicated line at (205) 259-7798 between 8 am - 8 pm CT. . you are reacting to i require when its being used as i need. ", Reliable, meticulous and astonishingly prompt. if you so wish. In the end, because she was unable to understand the issue I went to speak to the owner of the business, who immediately sent out an email clarifying the parking procedure. In my mind, an employee who just comes to me and says please advise is taking the easy way out and making my job harder at the same time. But if I am looking for something from the other person, I totally feel the need to have the very last bit of the email reflect that. Ive used just bumping this to the top of your inbox! before, but only with people who I know are pretty chill and arent going to interpret it as you clearly dont know how to manage your workload so please let me nag you. It looks smart to they forward the email and pass the phrase down Jacobs Ladder. I disagree. Im not religious and Im certainly not a Scientologist but the one thing they got right is that they insist that people know what a word means. 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please let me know which option you prefer