cy brink university of washington

Jan 2020 - Mar 20203 months. I Hail from the Real Streets of Elizabeth, NJ. PHD, University of Texas at Tyler, 2017, Pittman, Leslie W, Associate Professor of the PracticeCivil & Environmental EngineeringMS, Colorado State University, 1978, Pittman, Mark, Adjunct ProfessorSchool of LawJD, University of Texas at Austin, 1999, Pittman, Ramona, Associate ProfessorTeaching, Learning & CulturePHD, Texas A&M University-San Antonio, 2007, Plankey Videla, Nancy B, Associate ProfessorSociologyPHD, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1998, Plemons, Jacqueline M, Clinical ProfessorPeriodonticsDDS, Baylor College of Dentistry, 1986, Plunk, Michael, Adjunct Assistant ProfessorOrthodonticsDDS, Baylor College of Dentistry, 1974, Plunk, Michael D, Adjunct Assistant ProfessorPediatric DentistryDDS, Baylor College of Dentistry, 1974, Pohler, Ky Garrett, Associate ProfessorAnimal SciencePHD, University of Missouri, 2015, Poirot, Kristan A, Associate ProfessorCommunication & JournalismPHD, University of Georgia, 2004, Pokrovsky, Valery, Distinguished ProfessorPhysics & AstronomyPHD, Tomsk State University, 1957, Polak, Stephen S, Adjunct ProfessorSchool of LawMS, Thomas Jefferson School of Law, 2011, Pollock, Jordan L, Adjunct ProfessorSchool of LawJD, University of Texas School of Law, 2012, Polson, James R, Adjunct Assistant ProfessorOrthodonticsDDS, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, 1986, Polycarpou, Andreas A, ProfessorMechanical EngineeringPHD, University of Buffalo - The State University of New York, 1994, Polymenis, Michael S, ProfessorBiochemistry & BiophysicsPHD, Tufts University, 1994, Pond, Amy, Assistant ProfessorPolitical SciencePHD, University of Michigan, 2015, Ponjuan, Luis, Associate ProfessorEduc Admn & Human Resource DevPHD, University of Michigan, 2005, Ponnamperuma, Krishan, Senior LecturerChemistryPHD, University of Cambridge, UK, 1992, Pope, Christopher N, Distinguished ProfessorPhysics & AstronomyPHD, University of Cambridge, 1980, Pope, Jeffrey D, Adjunct Assistant ProfessorComprehensive DentistryDDS, Texas A&M University, 2009, Pope, Michael, ProfessorGeology & GeophysicsPHD, Virginia Tech, 1995, Pope, Robert A, Clinical Assistant ProfessorSchool of MedicineMD, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, 1992, Popescu, Sorin, ProfessorEcology and Conservation BiologyPHD, Virginia Tech, 2002, Popov, Bojan D, ProfessorMathematicsPHD, University of Southern Carolina, 1999, Porter, Brian F, Clinical ProfessorVeterinary PathobiologyDVM, Texas A&M University, 1992, Porter, Jay, ProfessorMultidisciplinary EngineeringPHD, Texas A&M University, 1993, Porter, Jay R, ProfessorEng Tech & Ind DistributionPHD, Texas A&M University, 1993, Porter, Logan, Instructional Assistant ProfessorEng Tech & Ind DistributionDEN, Lamar University, 2014, Posey, Richard D, Clinical ProfessorVet Large Animal Clinical ScDVM, Texas A&M University, 1982, Poteet, Brian A, Clinical Associate ProfessorVet Large Animal Clinical ScDVM, Texas A&M University, 1991, Potier, Paul A, Professor of the PracticeMarine Engineering TechnologyPHD, Prairie View A&M University, 2012, Potter, Henry, Assistant ProfessorOceanographyPHD, University of Miami, 2014, Pourahmadi, Mohsen, ProfessorStatisticsPHD, Michigan State University, 1980, Powell, Reid, Research Assistant ProfessorSchool of MedicinePHD, Texas A&M Health Science Center, 2018, Powell-Palm, Matthew, Assistant ProfessorMechanical EngineeringPHD, University of California, Berkeley, 2020, Powers, David C, Associate ProfessorChemistryPHD, Harvard University, 2012, Powers, Tamara M, Instructional Assistant ProfessorChemistryPHD, Harvard University, 2013, Prabhu, Akhila, Senior LecturerEng Tech & Ind DistributionMEN, Texas A&M University, 2021, Pratt, Alex, Clinical Assistant ProfessorMarketingPHD, University of Alabama, 2020, Prechel, Harland N, ProfessorSociologyPHD, University of Kansas, 1986, Prendergast, Elis, Adjunct ProfessorSchool of Law, Presswood, Phillip H, Instructional Assistant ProfessorLiberal StudiesMA, University of Houston at Clear Lake, 2011, Preston, Tammie M, Instructional Assistant ProfessorAg Leadership, Educ & CommPHD, Texas A&M University, 2014, Preusser, Denise, Senior LecturerEng Tech & Ind DistributionPHD, Saybrook University, 2010, Price, Angie H, Associate ProfessorEng Tech & Ind DistributionPHD, Texas A&M University, 1999, Price, Edwin C, Senior ProfessorAgricultural EconomicsPHD, University of Kentucky, 1973, Pride, William M, ProfessorMarketingPHD, Louisiana State University and A&M College, 1972, Probasco, Robert, Senior LecturerSchool of LawJD, University of Virginia School of Law, 2000, Prochnow, Tyler, Assistant ProfessorHealth BehaviorPHD, Baylor University, 2021, Prout, Erik, Instructional Associate ProfessorGeographyPHD, Louisiana State University, 2001, Prunte, John, Adjunct ProfessorSchool of LawJD, Capital University, 2016, Pugh, Rebecca, LecturerSchool of Perf, Vis, Fine ArtsMFA, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2015, Pulak, Cemalettin M, ProfessorAnthropologyPHD, Texas A&M University, 1996, Puller, Steven L, ProfessorEconomicsPHD, University of California at Berkeley, 2001, Pullium, Cheryl L, Clinical Associate ProfessorSchool of NursingDNP, The University of Alabama, 2018, Pun, Sai Mang, Visiting Assistant ProfessorMathematicsPHD, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2019, Puppala, Anand, ProfessorCivil & Environmental EngineeringPHD, Louisiana State University, 1993, Qaraqe, Khalid A, ProfessorElectrical & Computer Eng-QatarPHD, Texas A&M University, 1997, Qian, Xiaofeng, Associate ProfessorMaterials Science & EngrPHD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2008, Qian, Xiaoning, Associate ProfessorComputer Science & EngineeringPHD, Yale University, 2005, Qian, Xiaoning, Associate ProfessorElectrical & Computer EngPHD, Yale University, 2005, Qin, Chunlin, ProfessorBiomedical SciencesPHD, Okayama University, 1998 Senior Transportation Planner at Conagra Brands. MFA, Regent University, 2015, SIMMS, MICHELLE L, LecturerCollege of Arts & SciencesPHD, Texas A&M University, 2011 PHD, Johns Hopkins University, 1988, Cohn, Samuel R, ProfessorSociologyPHD, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, 1981, Cohn, William B, Instructional Assistant ProfessorBiologyPHD, Texas A&M University, 2000, Cokinos, Gregory, Part-Time LecturerConstruction ScienceJD, South Texas College of Law, 1982, Coleman, Gerard T, Associate Professor of the PracticeMarine Engineering TechnologyMS, The George Washington University, 1996, Coleman, Michelle C, Assistant ProfessorVet Large Animal Clinical ScDVM, University of Georgia, 2007 Aesthetic Medicine is located at 4800 Meadows Drive in Lake Oswego. - @2bouji3.brinettee_, Greg Brink, CVS, PMI-RMP, PMP, CCEA, ENV SP, Cant Wait to Be Able to Hold Them: Players Parents in an N.C.A.A. PHD, TULANE UNIVERSITY, 2006, Luo, Weijia, Research Assistant ProfessorSchool of MedicinePHD, Texas A&M Health Sciences, 2012, Luo, Wen, ProfessorEducational PsychologyPHD, Texas A&M University, 2007, Lupiani, Blanca M, ProfessorVeterinary PathobiologyPHD, University of Maryland-College Park, 1994, Lupoli, Shawn V, Instructional Assistant ProfessorComputer Science & EngineeringMS, Towson University, 2004, Lusher, John D, Associate Professor Of The PracticeElectrical & Computer EngPHD, Texas A&M University, 2018, Lutkenhaus, Jodie, ProfessorMaterials Science & EngrPHD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2007, Lutkenhaus, Jodie L, ProfessorChemical EngineeringPHD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2007, Lutz, Joann A, ProfessorLiberal StudiesPHD, University of North Texas, 1993, Lutz, Shawn M, Assistant Professor of the PracticeArchitectureMAR, Harvard University Graduate School of Design, 2011, Luxemburg Leon, Associate ProfessorFoundational SciencesPHD, Texas A&M University, 1987, Lyczak, Kristin C, Clinical Associate ProfessorVet Integrative BiosciencesDVM, Colorado State University, 2003, Lyle, Stacey, Associate Professor Of The PracticeCivil & Environmental EngineeringPHD, University of Georgia, 2003, Lyle, Stacey D, Associate Professor Of The PracticeGeographyPHD, University of Georgia, 2003, Lynch, Darrell W, LecturerAnthropologyPHD, University of Tennessee, 2014, Lyons, Jacob I, Lab InstructorBiologyMS, Texas State University, 2010, Lyons, Luke C, Clinical Assistant ProfessorVet Physiology & PharmacologyPHD, Texas A&M University, 2018, Lyuksyutov, Igor F, ProfessorPhysics & AstronomyPHD, Highest Attestation Commission at Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation, 1990, MATICH, PHILIP, Instructional Assistant ProfessorMarine BiologyPHD, Florida International University, 2014, Ma, Chao, Associate ProfessorEng Tech & Ind DistributionPHD, University of California, 2015, Ma, Chao, Assistant ProfessorMaterials Science & EngrPHD, University of California, 2015, Ma, Guolin, Research Assistant ProfessorSchool of MedicinePHD, University of Science and Technology of China, 2012, Ma, Ping, Assistant ProfessorHealth BehaviorPHD, Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, 2013, Ma, Xingmao, Associate ProfessorCivil & Environmental EngineeringPHD, Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2004, Mabbott, Samuel, Assistant ProfessorBiomedical EngineeringPHD, University of Manchester, Manchester Interdisciplinary Biocentre, 2012, MacNamara, Annmarie E, Associate ProfessorPsychological & Brain SciencesPHD, Stony Brook University, 2013, MacNamara, Lawrence T, Assistant ProfessorHistoryPHD, Columbia University, 2015, MacWillie III, Donald MacGlashan, LecturerInternational AffairsMS, US Army War College, 2002, Mackay, Evelyn, Clinical Assistant ProfessorVet Large Animal Clinical ScDVM, University of Missouri, 2015, Mackenzie, Duncan S, Associate ProfessorBiologyPHD, University of California at Berkeley, 1980, Mackin, Robert S, Instructional ProfessorSociologyPHD, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1998, Macri, Lucas M, ProfessorPhysics & AstronomyPHD, Harvard University, 2001, Maddock, Jason E, ProfessorEnvironmental & Occptnl HlthPHD, University of Rhode Island, 1999, Madrahimov, Sherzod T, Associate ProfessorChemistryPHD, University of Illinois, 2012, Madsen, Christi K, ProfessorElectrical & Computer EngPHD, Rutgers State University of New Jersey, 1996, Madsen, Jean A, ProfessorEduc Admn & Human Resource DevPHD, The University of Kansas, 1986, Maggard, Bryan, Senior LecturerPetroleum EngineeringPHD, Texas A&M University, 2000, Magill, Clint W, ProfessorPlant Pathology & MicrobiologyPHD, Cornell University, 1969, Magnuson, William J, ProfessorSchool of LawJD, Harvard Law School, 2009, Mahajan, Arvind, Regents ProfessorFinancePHD, Georgia State University, 1980, Mahajan, Vanita, Senior LecturerManagementMBA, Texas A&M University, 1986, Mahapatra, Rabinarayan, ProfessorComputer Science & EngineeringPHD, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, 1992, Mahapatra, Rupak K, ProfessorPhysics & AstronomyPHD, University of Minnesota, 2000, Maher, Brendan, ProfessorSchool of LawJD, Harvard Law School, 2000, Mahmond, Ahmed, Senior LecturerEng Tech & Ind DistributionMS, Texas A&M University, 1990, Mai, Bin, Assistant ProfessorEng Tech & Ind DistributionPHD, The University of Texas at Dallas, 2006, Maier, Matthias Sebastian, Associate ProfessorMathematicsPHD, Ruprecht-Karls Universitat Heidelberg, Germany, 2015, Maitland IV, Duncan J, ProfessorBiomedical EngineeringPHD, Northwestern University, 1995, Maitland, Kristen D, Associate ProfessorBiomedical EngineeringPHD, The University of Texas at Austin, 2006, Majji, Manoranjan, Associate ProfessorAerospace EngineeringPHD, Texas A&M University, 2009, Malak Jr, Richard J, Associate ProfessorMechanical EngineeringPHD, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2008, Malave, Ceasar, ProfessorChemical Engineering-QatarPHD, University of South Florida, 1987, Malave, Ceasar, ProfessorIndustrial & Systems EngineeringPHD, University of South Florida, 1987, Mallick, Bani K, University Distinguished ProfessorStatisticsPHD, University of Connecticut, 1994, Mandell, Laura C, ProfessorEnglishPHD, Cornell University, 1992, Mander, John B, ProfessorCivil & Environmental EngineeringPHD, University of Canterbury, 1984, Maness, Robert S, Associate Professor of the PracticeEconomicsPHD, Texas A&M University, 1992, Manigrasso, Paul, Adjunct ProfessorSchool of LawJD, Texas A&M University School of Law, 2018, Manisseri Kalathil, Dileep, Assistant ProfessorElectrical & Computer EngPHD, University of California at Berkeley, 2014, Mankin, Joseph M, Clinical Associate ProfessorVet Small Animal Clinical ScDVM, University of Tennessee at Knoxville, 2007, Mankin, Kelley M, Associate ProfessorVet Small Animal Clinical ScDVM, University of Missouri at Columbia, 2006, Mann, Abby L, Adjunct Assistant ProfessorComprehensive DentistryDDS, Texas A&M University, 2011, Mann, George J, ProfessorArchitectureMS, Columbia University, 1962, Mansoor, Bilal, Associate ProfessorMaterials Science & EngrPHD, University of Michigan, 2010, Mansoor, Bilal, Associate ProfessorMechanical Engineering-QatarPHD, University of Michigan, 2010, Mansour, Mohammed, Adjunct Assistant ProfessorDiagnostic SciencesMS, Texas A&M University College of Dentistry, 2011, Manuel, David J, Instructional Associate ProfessorMathematicsMS, Texas A&M University, 1994, Maples, Katherine, Clinical Assistant ProfessorVet Large Animal Clinical ScDVM, Texas A&M University, 2013, Marcantonio, Franco, ProfessorGeology & GeophysicsPHD, Columbia University, 1994, Marcantonio, Janet G, Executive ProfessorMays Business SchoolPHD, New York University, 1999, Marchbanks III, Miner P, LecturerPublic Service &AdministrationPHD, Texas A&M University, 2005, Marchesini, Manuela, Associate ProfessorGlobal Languages & CulturesPHD, Stanford University, 2000, Marchesini, Manuela, Associate ProfessorInternational AffairsPHD, Stanford University, 2000, Maren, Stephen A, University Distinguished ProfessorPsychological & Brain SciencesPHD, University of Southern California, 1993, Marianno, Craig M, Associate ProfessorNuclear EngineeringPHD, Oregon State University, 2000, Marin Thornton, Gabriela, Instructional Associate ProfessorInternational AffairsPHD, University of Miami, 2006, Marini, Marc Alan, Senior LecturerEng Tech & Ind DistributionBS, Texas A&M University, 1987, Mark, Christine L, Instructional Associate ProfessorEduc Admn & Human Resource DevPHD, The University of Southern Mississippi, 2014, Mark, Samuel E, ProfessorLiberal StudiesPHD, Texas A&M University, 2000, Marklund, Leroy, Clinical Assistant ProfessorSchool of NursingDNP, University of Alabama, 2015, Markovic, Milan, ProfessorSchool of LawJD, Georgetown University, 2006, Markson, Drew, Adjunct ProfessorSchool of LawBS, New York University, 1996, Marlett, David, Adjunct ProfessorSchool of LawJD, University of Texas School of Law, 1991, Marouf, Fatma E, ProfessorSchool of LawJD, Harvard Law School, 2002, Marr, Karina W, Adjunct Assistant ProfessorPediatric DentistryDDS, Baylor College of Dentistry, 2005, Marraro, Anthony R, Senior LecturerConstruction ScienceMS, Texas A&M University, 1997, Marsh, Laura, Clinical Assistant ProfessorSchool of MedicineMD, Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine, 2010, Marshall, Christopher, ProfessorMarine BiologyPHD, University of Florida, 1997, Marshall, Jennifer L, Associate ProfessorPhysics & AstronomyPHD, Ohio State University, 2006, Marthey, Daniel, Assistant ProfessorHealth Policy & ManagementPHD, University of Maryland, 2022, Martin, Amy E, ProfessorCivil & Environmental EngineeringPHD, University of California at Berkeley, 1997, Martin, June C, Instructional Associate ProfessorLand Arch & Urban PlanningMS, University of Georgia, 2002 PHD, University of Texas, Austin, 2011, Brunstedt, Jonathan, Assistant ProfessorHistoryPHD, University of Oxford, 2011, Bryan, Laura K, Clinical Assistant ProfessorVeterinary PathobiologyDVM, University of Georgia, 2011 Uncover social media profiles and real people behind a username. PHD, New York University, 2017, Simpson, Nancy J, Clinical ProfessorMays Business SchoolPHD, Texas A&M University, 1992, Sims, Kassandra, Assistant LecturerCivil & Environmental EngineeringMS, University of North Texas, 2012, Singer, Erin, LecturerTeaching, Learning & CulturePHD, Texas A&M University, 2019, Singer, John N, Associate ProfessorKinesiology & Sport ManagementPHD, Ohio State University, 2002, Singer, Shaunta, LecturerTeaching, Learning & CulturePHD, University of Virginia, 2008, Singh, Chanan, University Distinguished Professor and Regents ProfessorElectrical & Computer EngPHD, University of Saskatchewan, 1972, Singh, Irtisha, Assistant ProfessorSchool of MedicinePHD, Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences, 2017, Singh, Vijay P, University Distinguished Professor and Regents ProfessorBiological & Agricultural EngPHD, Colorado State University, 1974, Singleton, Daniel A, ProfessorChemistryPHD, University of Minnesota, 1986, Singleton, Julie A, Clinical Associate ProfessorTeaching, Learning & CulturePHD, Texas A&M University, 2011, Sinha, Samiran, ProfessorStatisticsPHD, University of Florida, 2004, Sitcheran, Raquel M, Associate ProfessorSchool of MedicinePHD, University of California at San Francisco, 2000, Siwko, Stefan, Instructional Assistant ProfessorSchool of MedicinePHD, Stanford University, 2005, Skaggs, Chris L, ProfessorAnimal SciencePHD, Iowa State University, 1992, Skare, Jon T, ProfessorSchool of MedicinePHD, Washington State University, 1992, Skelton, Robert E, ProfessorAerospace EngineeringPHD, University of California, 1976, Skillen, Kinsey, Assistant ProfessorCivil & Environmental EngineeringPHD, Purdue University, 2020, Skow, Loren C, Senior ProfessorVet Integrative BiosciencesPHD, Texas A&M University, 1976, Slagel, Kristin N, Instructional Associate ProfessorKinesiology & Sport ManagementMS, Texas A&M University, 2002, Slattery Jr, George P, ProfessorTeaching, Learning & CulturePHD, Louisiana State University, 1989, Slattery, Jeff W, Instructional Associate ProfessorSchool of LawJD, University of California Hastings College of Law, 1999, Slatton, Katie J, Instructional Assistant ProfessorLiberal StudiesMED, University of Montevallo, 2003, Sliva, Catherine A, Associate Professor of the PracticePetroleum EngineeringBS, Texas A&M University, 1980, Sliva, Glenn M, Associate Professor of the PracticePetroleum EngineeringBS, Texas A&M University, 1981, Slotman, Michel A, ProfessorEntomologyPHD, Yale University, 2003, Slowey, Niall C, ProfessorOceanographyPHD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1991, Smallman, Rachel E, Associate ProfessorPsychological & Brain SciencesPHD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2010, Smith Jr, Jack W, ProfessorSchool of MedicinePHD, Ohio State University, 1986, Smith, Ashly Peyton, Assistant ProfessorSoil & Crop SciencesPHD, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2013, Smith, C W, ProfessorSoil & Crop SciencesPHD, University of Tennessee, 1974, Smith, Christopher, LecturerEng Tech & Ind DistributionMS, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 1996, Smith, Christopher, Instructional Assistant ProfessorMarine and Coastal Environmental SciencePHD, University of Georgia, 2019, Smith, Clinton, LecturerEng Tech & Ind DistributionMBA, University of Houston, 2002, Smith, Donald R, Senior Associate ProfessorIndustrial & Systems EngineeringPHD, University of Arkansas, 1973, Smith, James, LecturerBush School of Government & Public ServicePHD, The University of Alabama, 1993, Smith, James L, ProfessorBiologyPHD, University of Florida, 2002, Smith, Jason M, Instructional Assistant ProfessorPolitical SciencePHD, Texas A&M University, 2009, Smith, Jonathan, ProfessorGeographyPHD, Syracuse University, 1991, Smith, Kirstie, LecturerSociologyPHD, Texas A&M University, 2021, Smith, Laura N, Assistant ProfessorSchool of MedicinePHD, George Mason University, 2008, Smith, Lauren, Clinical Assistant ProfessorVet Small Animal Clinical ScDVM, Texas A&M University, 2013, Smith, Leann, Assistant ProfessorEducational PsychologyPHD, The University of Texas at Austin, 2017, Smith, Matthew, Associate ProfessorHealth BehaviorPHD, Texas A&M University, 2008, Smith, Matthew L, Associate ProfessorEnvironmental & Occptnl HlthPHD, Texas A&M University, 2008, Smith, Patricia K, ProfessorBiological & Agricultural EngPHD, North Carolina State University, 2000, Smith, Rachel J, Assistant ProfessorPsychological & Brain SciencesPHD, University of Pennsylvania, 2008, Smith, Roger R, ProfessorMathematicsPHD, University of Oxford, 1976, Smith, Sonny, LecturerBush School of Government & Public ServicePHD, Virginia Tech, 2009, Smith, Stephen B, Regents ProfessorAnimal SciencePHD, University of California at Davis, 1980, Smith, Steven M, ProfessorPsychological & Brain SciencesPHD, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1979, Smotherman, Michael S, ProfessorBiologyPHD, University of California at Los Angeles, 1998, Snider, Erin A, Assistant ProfessorInternational AffairsPHD, University of Cambridge, Trinity College, 2011, Snyder, Douglas K, ProfessorPsychological & Brain SciencesPHD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1978, Snyder, Franklin G, ProfessorSchool of LawJD, University of Missouri at Columbia, 1983, Sobol, Neil L, ProfessorSchool of LawJD, Southern Methodist University, 1988, Socolofsky, Scott A, ProfessorCivil & Environmental EngineeringPHD, Massachusetts Inst of Technology, 2001, Sohn McCormick, Anita, LecturerEducational PsychologyPHD, Texas A&M University, 2000, Sohrabji, Farida, Regents ProfessorSchool of MedicinePHD, University of Rochester, 1991, Sokolov, Alexei V, ProfessorPhysics & AstronomyPHD, Stanford University, 2001, Son, Dong H, ProfessorChemistryPHD, The University of Texas at Austin, 2002, Sones, Amerian D, Clinical Associate ProfessorComprehensive DentistryDMD, Tufts University, 1979, Song, Dezhen, ProfessorComputer Science & EngineeringPHD, University of California at Berkeley, 2004, Song, Donggil, Associate ProfessorEng Tech & Ind DistributionPHD, Indiana University Bloomington, 2015, Song, Hojun, Associate ProfessorEntomologyPHD, The Ohio State University, 2006, Song, Jianxun, ProfessorSchool of MedicinePHD, Third Military Medical University, 1998, Song, Xiaofei, LecturerCommunication & JournalismPHD, Washington State University, 2019, Song, Xiaotong, Research Associate ProfessorSchool of MedicinePHD, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, China, 2002, Song, Xingyong, Associate ProfessorEng Tech & Ind DistributionPHD, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, 2011, Song, Yang, Assistant ProfessorLand Arch & Urban PlanningPHD, Clemson University, 2017 Photo sharing. LLM, University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana, 1982, Henrichs, Darren, Instructional Assistant ProfessorOceanographyPHD, Texas A&M University, 2012, Henry, Alyssa, Assistant ProfessorEducational PsychologyPHD, University of California, Davis, 2019, Hensley, Douglas A, Senior ProfessorMathematicsPHD, University of Minnesota, 1974, Henson, Bryce, Assistant ProfessorCommunication & JournalismPHD, University of Illinois, 2016, Henthorne, Mary B, Instructional Associate ProfessorKinesiology & Sport ManagementMS, Texas A&M University, 2008, Hepfer, Bradford F, Assistant ProfessorAccountingDBA, The University of Iowa, 2016, Hepfer, Katie L, Clinical Assistant ProfessorSchool of NursingDNP, The University of Iowa, 2016, Hercot, Philippe, Executive ProfessorFinanceMBA, Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration, 1993, Herman, Benjamin, Associate ProfessorTeaching, Learning & CulturePHD, Iowa State University, 2010, Herman, James D, Clinical ProfessorVet Physiology & PharmacologyDVM, Texas A&M University, 1989 PHD, Texas A&M University, 2021, Passmore, Ashley, Assistant ProfessorGlobal Languages & CulturesPHD, University of Chicago, 2007, Passmore, Ashley, Assistant ProfessorInternational AffairsPHD, University of Chicago, 2007, Pate, Michael B, ProfessorMechanical EngineeringPHD, Purdue University, 1982, Patel, Paras B, Clinical Assistant ProfessorDiagnostic SciencesDDS, Howard University, 2011, Patel, Pooja H, Clinical Assistant ProfessorSchool of PharmacyPHARMD, Purdue University, 2014, Patel, Rupande, Adjunct Assistant ProfessorPediatric DentistryDDS, Baylor College of Dentistry, 1991, Patel, Simmi, Clinical Assistant ProfessorPublic Health SciencesDDS, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, 2001, Pathakis, Kristy, Assistant ProfessorPolitical SciencePHD, University of California, San Diego, 2020, Pati, Debdeep, ProfessorStatisticsPHD, Duke University, 2012, Patil, Bhimanagouda, Regents ProfessorHorticultural SciencesPHD, Texas A&M University, 1994, Patillo, Dawn, Adjunct ProfessorSchool of LawMS, Catholic University of America, 2016, Patrick, Charles, Professor of the PracticeBiomedical EngineeringPHD, Rice University, 1994, Patrick, Kristin L, Assistant ProfessorSchool of MedicinePHD, Yale University, 2008, Patterson, Adam P, Clinical Associate ProfessorVet Small Animal Clinical ScDVM, Mississippi State University, 2001, Patterson, Albert, Assistant ProfessorEng Tech & Ind DistributionPHD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2021, Patterson, Carly A, Clinical Assistant ProfessorVet Physiology & PharmacologyDVM, University of Illinois, 2011, Patterson, Megan, Assistant ProfessorHealth BehaviorPHD, Texas A&M University, 2016, Patterson, William, Adjunct ProfessorSchool of LawJD, University of Texas at Austin, 2012, Pattison, Kalani K, LecturerEnglishPHD, Baylor University, 2016, Paudyal, Sushil, Instructional Assistant ProfessorAnimal SciencePHD, Colorado State University, 2018, Pauli, Carol B, Instructional ProfessorSchool of LawJD, Yeshiva University, 2007, Pavelka Jr, Miro A, Adjunct ProfessorOral & Maxillofacial SurgeryDDS, Baylor College of Dentistry, 1977, Payne, Michael B, Clinical Assistant ProfessorDiagnostic SciencesDDS, Baylor College of Dentistry, 1981, Payne, Stephanie C, ProfessorPsychological & Brain SciencesPHD, George Mason University, 2000, Peacock, Walter Gillis, ProfessorLand Arch & Urban PlanningPHD, University of Georgia, 1986, Peak, Charles W, Instructional Assistant ProfessorBiomedical EngineeringPHD, Texas A&M University, 2018, Pearce, Olga, Adjunct Associate Professor of PracticeComputer Science & Engineering, Pearce, Roger, Adjunct Associate Professor of PracticeComputer Science & Engineering, Pearl, Frederic B, Associate ProfessorLiberal StudiesPHD, Texas A&M University, 2001, Pearlstein, Gregory J, Associate ProfessorMathematicsPHD, University of Massachusetts, 1999, Pearlstein, Rosanna, LecturerMathematicsPHD, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 1998, Peddicord, Kenneth L, ProfessorNuclear EngineeringPHD, University of Illinois, 1972, Pedersen, Frank A, Assistant Professor of the PracticeMarine Engineering TechnologyBS, Arendal Maritime College, 1986, Pedersen, Susan J, Associate ProfessorEducational PsychologyPHD, The University of Texas at Austin, 2000, Pehlivan, Hatice, Senior LecturerChemical EngineeringMS, Izmir Institute of Technology, 2013, Pei, Zhijian, ProfessorIndustrial & Systems EngineeringPHD, University of Illinois, 1995, Pellois, Jean-Philippe, ProfessorBiochemistry & BiophysicsPHD, University of Houston, 2002, Peng, Xu, Associate ProfessorSchool of MedicineMD, The Medical College of Tongji University, 2015 Currently, Gregory lives in Phoenix, AZ. FeelingFace, which trained with cleaned MS-Celeb-1M dataset. When he was drafted 7th overall by the Golden State Warriors, no one doubted that he was going to sign with Nike. PHD, North Carolina State University, 2013, Toliyat, Hamid A, ProfessorElectrical & Computer EngPHD, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1991, Tomaszewski, Michael, Visiting ProfessorAnimal SciencePHD, North Carolina State University, 1972, Tomberlin, Jeffery K, ProfessorEntomologyPHD, University of Georgia, 2001, Tommos, Ingrid, ProfessorBiochemistry & BiophysicsPHD, Stockholm University, 1997, Tong, Carl, Associate ProfessorSchool of MedicineMD, Texas A&M University, 2002 President Biden paused last week, during one of the busiest stretches of his presidency, for a nearly two-hour private history lesson from a group of academics who raised alarms about the dire condition of democracy at home and abroad. 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cy brink university of washington