seattle to olympic national park ferry

BEST Olympic National Park Day Tour from Seattle. The 16-inch battery was Battery 131, with two ex-Navy 16-inch Mark 2 guns connected by a large magazine bunker. Gastropubs are now moving into the area and one of the best is Smith. There are around 230 Greyhound stations across the US where you can both catch your bus and buy tickets, that are also available on the official website and via the mobile app. See the Washington Ferries website for exact times. Estimated travel time: 2 hours. Last updated: 22 Feb 2023 Rome2rio makes travelling from Seattle, WA to Olympic National Park easy. ( function() { TICKET PRICES STARTING FROM $ 134. If you are a Canadian citizen, you will need to have an enhanced drivers license or ID. From there, it takes about 90 minutes to reach the boundaries of Olympic National Park. Seattle, United States. There are 33+ hotels available in Olympic National Park. [CDATA[ */ Hiking and boating are popular activities for guests, and several peaks, including Mount Storm King and Pyramid Mountain, are easily accessible from the resort. Be sure to book your ferry ahead of time and try to arrive 15-30 minutes before departure so you arent blocked by long lines. WebAll the Bainbridge Ferry will do is get you to Bainbridge Island. Instead, Rocket Transportation offers door-to-door service to communities on the Olympic Peninsula. Make yourself known to an official member of staff and/or call the national coronavirus helpline number on 800-232-4636. From there, it takes about 90 minutes to reach the boundaries of Olympic National Park. By proceeding, you accept the use of cookies in accordance with our, Take the ferry from Seattle to Bainbridge Island, Take the bus from Bainbridge Ferry Terminal to Port Angeles Gateway Transit Center, Take the bus from Port Angeles Gateway Transit Center to Hurricane Ridge, Take the bus from Seattle Amtrak Station to Port Angeles, Drive from Seattle, WA to Olympic National Park. From the very start, you can tell that this is a very organized group of people. The Dungeness Line from Olympic Bus Lines offers service from SeaTac to Port Angeles with many stops along the way. The journey, including transfers, takes approximately 5h 51m. Drive about 17 miles north of Seattle on I-5 and you can catch the Edmonds ferry, which offers the shortest crossing and excellent access to the Olympic Peninsula. Just 12 miles into the interior of Olympic National Park, it is easy to reach from Highway 101, which circumnavigates the Olympic Peninsula. Domestic travel is not restricted, but some conditions may apply. To the best of our knowledge, it is correct as of the last update.Visit Rome2rio travel advice for general help. The two most common ferries to take from Seattle to Olympic National Park are the Bainbridge Island ferry, operated by WSDOT, and the Kingston Fast Ferry operated by Kitsap Transit. ",e);return}if(O.length>15){c.logOther("Prefetch skipped: Maximum prefetches threshold reached. WebBEST Olympic National Park Day Tour from Seattle; ADD TO TRIP. Greyhound buses also deliver passengers from Seattle to destinations on the Olympic Peninsula like Port Angeles. Arriving Port Townsend access Hwy 101 from State Route 20. Plan a three-day/two-night excursion to experience the best of what the region has to offer. Connect with travelers planning a visit to Olympic National Park. Filled with useful and timely travel information, the guides answer all the hard questions - such as 'How do I buy a ticket? These three different ecosystems are in pristine condition and have outstanding scenery. ["http:","https:"].includes(t.protocol)){c.logOther("Link Not Prefetchable: missing protocol in the URL. Hop onto either a luxury Mercedes van or Crossover both are spacious and more than adequate for a 2-hour ride. Rent an RV with Outdoorsy WebOverview. Fare: All fares are the same for the above ferry schedules. Yes, travel within United States is currently allowed. As you can imagine, its slightly shorter due to the fact that your only stop is going to be at Hurricane Ridge. Rome2rio uses cookies to help personalize content and show you personalised ads. Park your RV on the Waterfront Next to Olympic National Park, How to Camp on Olympic National Parks Beaches. Copyright 2023 PlanetWare Inc. All rights reserved. First up, we have the Seattle: Olympic National park Small-Group Tour. This tour is just slightly longer than the previous one, and has many similarities to the first. 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WebFrom Seattle, the Olympic Peninsula is just a short ferry ride and drive away. Is it compulsory to practice social distancing in Olympic National Park? If you are planning a trip to Seattle, whether for business or pleasure, be sure to take in a bit of the citys exclusive culture and history. ",t);return false}if(!t.href){c.logOther("Link Not Prefetchable: empty href attribute. ",t);continue}let e=Array.from(t.querySelectorAll("a"));c.logOther("filtering links",e);e=e.filter(e=>{if(L(e)){c.logOther("Skipping link: Inside a