rise of kingdoms france and germany were both once part of what kingdom

In 1474 Isabella succeeded her brother Henry IV (14251474; ruled 145474) to the throne of Castile. Finally, in 1543, Pope Paul III (14681549; reigned 153449) convened the long-awaited Council of Trent, a meeting to discuss reforming the Roman Catholic Church from within (see "Council of Trent" in Chapter 7). After winning several major battles, the Moors conquered the Visigoth capital of Toledo in 712 and soon pushed the Germanic lords and their armies into the northern frontiers of Spain. During his last days, some of his advisers attempted to give the throne to Jane Grey (15371554), the king's distant relative and a supporter of Protestant causes. Earlier they had been great centers of learning and the arts, but now the great monastic libraries were divided and sent to other His greatest enemy was Charles the Bold (14331477; ruled 146777), duke of Burgundy, who ruled Burgundy virtually as an independent state. After the battle at Mberg, Charles V concentrated his foreign policy on forming alliances rather than on waging war. The end of the Mongol empire may have been the most significant factor that drove Europeans to the seas, but it was by no means the only one. As a result, Spain was given control of Italy in the Treaty of Cateau-Cambrsis in 1559. Under her command, the French won several important battles. The destruction was so great that the invasion was delayed for a year. The Spanish drove the French out of Italy in 1495. Under terms of the peace agreement, the Treaty of Brtigny (1360), the kingdom of France was divided and the southwest region was formally given to the king of England. Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. Alba initiated an extremely repressive policy. Unlike the other European countries that played a prominent role in the Renaissance period, Spain was heavily influenced by Africa and the Middle East. Modern scholars have altered this view, however, concluding that Renaissance ideas became dominant in the 1530s during the reign of Henry VII's brother, Henry VIII (14911547; ruled 150947). Cabot's exploration of Newfoundland, in 1497, yielded sparse information about the new continent's northern-most regions. Despite the objections of councilors like Thomas Howard II (14731554), the earl of Surrey, Henry went ahead with the invasion. Some European explorers were inspired by the myth of Prester John, a Christian king rumored to be living somewhere in eastern Asia. After retaking Jerusalem from the Muslims during the First Crusade, the Christians began establishing Crusader kingdoms around the Mediterranean Sea. During Elizabeth's reign England also began emerging as a great sea power, which eventually gave rise to the expansion of the British Empire over the next three centuries. Mary then had Elizabeth arrested and sent to the Tower of London (a prison for members of royalty and the nobility), and later to Woodstock. Although England was exhausted by the long conflict with France, the Tudor monarchs began a new dynasty after emerging victorious from the War of the Roses, a struggle between two families for the throne of England. After Henry's death in 1460, the expeditions continued, but the African expeditions were yielding few riches other than slave cargoes. Two rival houses (royal families), York and Lancaster, each claimed to have the right to the throne. In 1489 Charles VIII was offered the crown of Naples by Pope Innocent VIII (14321492; reigned 148492). rise of kingdoms . Charles received funding for both the trip and the bribe. When William Cecil died in 1598, Elizabeth snubbed Essex and awarded her highest council post to Robert Cecil. Which European wrote the first travelogue detailing China's history, culture, and art? scholars. A learned man himself, James wrote two studies of political theory, The True Law of Free Monarchy (1598) and Baslikon doron ("Royal gift"; 1599). Storming of the Bastille: From the 17th to 19th centuries, the Kingdom of Prussia was mostly in which modern country? Players also can switch to France at any given time as long as they have Civilization Change token available. During her brief five-year reign, nearly three hundred people were burned at the stake. In walking less than five miles, he counted more than eleven hundred Spanish bodies. The Mongolian empire fell apart at the end of the fourteenth century, and the rulers of the Persian and Muslim kingdoms closest to Europe no longer gave outsiders access to their territory. Driven by increasing prosperity, the emerging powers of northwestern EuropeEngland, France, and the Netherlandsdecided to invest in exploration. In February, he completed the Capitulations, an "unholy alliance" with the Ottoman leader Khayr ad-Din (pronounced kigh-ruh-DEEN; d. 1546), who was called Barbarossa by Europeans. Edmund Spenser dedicated his masterpiece, the epic poem The Faerie Queen, to Elizabeth, and dramas by William Shakespeare and his contemporaries rank among the highest achievements of the Elizabethan age. Former monastic possessions were managed by a new financial bureau, the Court of Augmentations. He set up a line of fortified outposts from the Persian Gulf all the way to the Malaccan Strait, the most Once an answer is selected, it cannot be changed. He was more interested in pursuing his own pleasures, so he turned the government over to his favorite adviser, Francisco Gmez de Sandoval y Rojas, duke of Lerma (pronounced fran-THES-koh GO-mahth day sahn-doh-VAHL ee RO-hahs; 15531625). Leading the venture would be an experienced admiral, the marquis of Santa Cruz. Then on December 9, 1525, King Charles I (Holy Roman Emperor Charles V) gave a similar choice to Moriscos living in Aragon after he had inherited the country from his grandfather Ferdinand. Jane died of complications following childbirth, but Henry waited until 1540 to marry again. When Richard of York was killed in 1460, his son, Edward (14421483), continued the campaign against the Lancasters. Gama's handling of the Samuri's diplomatic efforts was only a hint of the brutality later committed by the Portuguese invasion force in Asia and the Indies. James also supported settlement in the New World. At the time of his death, the French crown was six million livres in debt. The term "feudal system" is used by historians to describe a social-political structure which was a key feature of medieval Europe. The horrified Clement, who had been locked away in a tower for his own safety, quickly joined Henry in making peace with Charles. Thus the two largest Christian kingdoms in Spain were united. Nevertheless, Spain's empire was never seriously threatened on land. A year later, in October and November 1520, Magellan navigated the treacherous straits (now known as the Straits of Magellan) at the continent's cape and sailed across the Pacific, the world's largest ocean. Almost from the beginning, things went wrong with the complicated Spanish plan. They wanted to seek him out so they could join forces with him and convert the "lost souls" of Asia and Africa. They spoke different languages belonged to different ethnic groups, were were no close ties binding them. Portugal was a rival of Spain during the age of exploration and discovery. Henry therefore seemed to personify many attributes of the Renaissance. While they were less numerous in Catalonia, Castile, Estremadura, and Andalusia, Moriscos comprised about one-fifth of the population (50,000 people) in Aragon and one-third of the population (100,000 people) of Valencia. The forerunner to the European explorers was the Venetian traveler Marco Polo (12541324). He lost power to John Dudley (15021553), earl of Warwick, who was the most important figure in the government for the remainder of Edward's reign. In 1619 Protestants in Bohemia had ousted their Roman Catholic king, Ferdinand (Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II), and replaced him with Frederick. He had not secured all of the anchors, so some ships drifted in the water and left an opening for a squadron of English fire ships to move in and set the Armada ablaze. The growth of the new economy posed threats to the feudal system. The Germanic Franks migrated into north-eastern France and what is now Belgium during the fourth and fifth centuries as the Roman empire was fading . The Franco-Austrian War of 1859 was the agent . The Hundred Years' War was not actually a single war that Cao Cao After Hudson's expedition, most of the major exploratory work in North America was done on inland water routes by the French. Undaunted by Francis's new partnership, Charles launched a successful assault against the French king's Turkish ally in the Mediterranean Sea. The ruling dynasty of France during much of the Renaissance, the Valois gained the throne in 1328 when the last king of the Capetian dynasty died wit, War of the Spanish Succession, 170114, last of the general European wars caused by the efforts of King Louis XIV to extend French power. At first all went well for Francis. Ferdinand remained regent of Castile. The events in Bohemia became part of the Thirty Years' War (161848), a complex conflict that was taking place in the Holy Roman Empire over several social, political, and religious issues (see "Thirty Years' War" in Chapter 6). The troubled young man was finally locked away in a tower, where he went on a series of hunger strikes and died later in the year. Parr and Anne of Cleves outlived Henry, who died in 1547. He was supported by leaders in the commercial towns, who regarded the king as their natural ally. Reliable maps of the known world, which previously had been closely guarded as state secrets, were becoming available to seafarers. Some Jews, called Marranos, pretended to convert while secretly practicing Judaism (the Jewish religion). 1624 he arranged for Charles to marry Henrietta Maria (16091669), the sister of King Louis XIII of France. While Spanish forces were defeating the Ottomans, Philip was contending with the Revolt of the Netherlands, which broke out in 1566 (see "Netherlands" in Chapter 4). Q: What is the native language of Cleopatra VII, otherwise known as Cleopatra Queen? (A pagan is a person who has no religious beliefs or worships more than one god; in this case, anyone who was not a Christian.) Establishes Anglican Church Henry VIII is best known today for establish ing the Anglican Church (Church of England) after the pope refused to let him get a divorce from his first wife. Edward ruled England for twelve more years, until his unexpected death in 1483. The French and Spanish monarchs Nevertheless, she followed the religious policies of her father and brother. In the early 1400s the Renaissance was spreading across Europe. The growing emphasis on capitalism and trade in Europe was probably the most influential factor in the drive for exploration. The Moors surrendered Toledo to the Christians in 1085. The Capetians were a family who controlled the le-de-France, a region centered on Paris that extended roughly a three days' march in all directions around the city. While Charles clearly eclipsed his two great rivals, his struggles with Francis over Italy dominated European politics for most of the sixteenth century. The noblemen of Castile opposed the marriage because they knew a strong monarchy would There were two main dynasties that ruled the Franks during the Middle Ages, the Merovingian Dynasty and the Carolingian Dynasty. At that time, however, the pope was considered to be God's representative on Earth and the supreme authority in all religious and political matters, so a king was expected to accept the pope's decision. Renaissance and Reformation Reference Library. answer choices. Their fifteen-year-old grandson Charles (15001558), who was then king of the Netherlands, became King Charles I of Spain in 1518 (ruled 151858). In the fifteenth century, the uncharted ocean was an unknown frontier that held as much mystery for seafarers as space holds for the world today. After this bloody victory, while looting the city, Henry first glimpsed the riches of African trade that had come from the Indies: cinnamon, pepper, cloves, ginger, and other spices. It helped shape world history as a whole, by giving rise to early forms of representative government. Ivan the Terrible. In 771, Charlemagne became king of the Franks, a Germanic tribe in present-day Belgium, France, Luxembourg, the . READ FULL REVIEW >. By 1215, Philip had extended his territory to duchies once held by the Anjous in the north and west. In fact, only the Dutch had any success in attacking European empires in America. Charlemagne was a medieval emperor who ruled much of Western Europe from 768 to 814. Before 1870, Germany consisted of several small kingdoms, duchies, and principalities rather than one unified nation. Henry succeeded in restoring prosperity They were permitted to practice their Muslim faith under a policy called taqiyya (pronounced tah-KEE-yah). More than 80,000 people were deported. Royal Family of Luxembourg (Now Italian House of Bourbon-Parma but historically Germanic House of Nassau) Royal Family of Holland. The consolidation of the kingdom of France under one ruler was now complete. Although Francis had able military advisers, he failed to score a victory. Forced to fight for what he considered to be his hereditary rights (his mother was the princess of Portugal), he had sent Alba into Portugal with twenty-two thousand troops. The Spanish won two battles at Genoa and were victorious at nearby Savona and at Aversa in the south. During the first twenty years of Philip's reign, the Ottoman Empire was the most serious threat to Spanish world power. Columbus was of course mistaken: he had landed somewhere in the Bahamas, in the Caribbean Sea. In the meantime, Santa Cruz died and Philip replaced him with the inexperienced Alonso Prez de Guzmn (c. 15501619), duke of Medina-Sidonia. In 1494, the Treaty of Tordesillas between these two countries moved the line farther west, to 370 leagues (about 988 miles, or 1,590 kilometers) west of the Cape Verde Islands. On April 9, 1609, King Philip III signed a decree of expulsion. In the 1300s the Catalans had been given the privilege of taxing themselves and voting subsidies (additional funds) for the crown only if they wanted to do so. Moriscos were also fiercely opposing the efforts of the Inquisition. Therefore, be sure to refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list. The French were now trying to recapture Navarre. In May 1588 the Spanish Armada set out from Lisbon, but storms forced the fleet into La Corua in northwestern Spain. In fact, in 1614 he dissolved Parliament, then ruled for seven years without one. The Angevins and the Argonese both continued to claim the right to rule Naples and Sicily. Reviews. For these reasons Henry VII was once considered England's first Renaissance ruler, and the English Renaissance was often dated to the beginning of his reign in 1485. They used the The Dutch quickly found an alternate route to the Spice Islands, bypassing the Portuguese-controlled Strait of Malacca by sailing around the island of Sumatra. When the Renaissance began in the mid-fourteenth century in Italy, Europe was divided into hundreds of independent states, each with its own laws and customs. Philip the Fair quarreled with the popes (heads of the Roman Catholic Church) over control of the French clergy and other aspects of the monarch's sovereignty (independent rule). Spain resumed wars in Italy (161516), however, and then entered the Thirty Years' War by sending troops into Germany (see "Thirty Years' War" in Chapter 8). According to the contract, they were to rule their own kingdomsthat is, Ferdinand was the king of Aragon and Isabella was the queen of Castile. Anne came to England and married Henry in 1540, but the king found her unattractive. Rise of Kingdoms is a game for iOS and Android with which you can enjoy the whole experience of a strategy game at your fingertips. Game Info. A brutal campaign against the Waldensians demolished twenty-two towns and killed four thousand people. Among the reforms they demanded were simplified services, less elaborate church music, simpler vestments (robes worn by clergymen), and more preaching. Instead, it was a series of conflicts mixed with periods of peace that began in 1337 and ended in 1453. The Netherlands had always been the Spanish territory closest to Charles's heart, and many noblemen wept during his speech. At the time of the Moorish invasion, Christianity was also the dominant religion on the Iberian Peninsula. Increasingly, Wolsey handled state affairs; he became archbishop of York in 1514, chancellor and representative to the papacy (office of the pope) in 1515. Hudson's expedition wound through the strait and into the huge bay, now in upper Canada, that now bear his name. Today Mary is best known as "Bloody Mary" because of her persecution of Protestants. An able but somewhat colorless ruler, Henry succeeded in establishing the position of his new dynasty, increasing the efficiency of the government, and enhancing the wealth of the monarchy. To counter the Spanish offensive, Francis planned for Swiss troops in the employ of Clement VII and Venice to attack Spanish holdings on the Italian peninsula. In 1601 he attempted to stage a coup (overthrow of government) that would oust Cecil's party and put his own party in power around the queen. While preparing to confront Adrian's forces, the Comuneros discovered that they were divided among themselves. Other than that, if you value combat above all else, the German, Britain, Korea and Arabia civilizations are the ones for you. Henry was deeply disappointed when the title was bestowed on Charles, who became Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, in 1519. Which of the following is considered a metallic resource? For the next eight years Charles increased his power and expanded Habsburg territory. Francia. In May 1533 Henry's divorce was granted by Thomas Cranmer (14891556), the new archbishop of Canterbury (head of the Anglican Church). , Henry went ahead with the complicated Spanish plan Charles 's heart, and the Netherlandsdecided to invest in.. Received funding for both the trip and the Argonese both continued to claim right... Only the Dutch had rise of kingdoms france and germany were both once part of what kingdom success in attacking European empires in America somewhere... The religious policies of her father and brother north-eastern France and what is now Belgium during first. Great that the invasion Luxembourg, the sister of king Louis XIII of France dominant religion on the Iberian.... 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rise of kingdoms france and germany were both once part of what kingdom